Sunday, November 9, 2014

Benjamin Biesek- Three Poems

 Accidental (Elegy)

As for myself, loyal and
Alive. Cast a winnowing
Woman out -- be back in
Time for dreams. (Some keep
No beds, let bedding go.)
As for me, there is but
A few to drink with --
Silence being golden, as it is.
Medicine, music; my
Heart in the valley.
My heart; and still I
Think of you. A back-draft...
So wild as to be overdone.
Sidy all the day-live-long.
Think I'm going dumb.
Shrink and join together.
Make a wall to last
Forever. Medicine for those
WHO demand an audience.
Hearts on display, but we
Don't do such any time
Or day. Spin around, good
And true -- my heart,
It beats wise and true.
Please; don't go away, Ma.

Indie Symphonic Sons
Fall to the floor; make
Waves and close any gap.
Silence ain't golden ain't
Quite normal ain't true.
Ghosts and all that
Wonder; bread in my hands,
An avalanche -- such was
My father. Closed-off:
Only I. Incarnate, like the
Dragonfly. Letting out
Before the tides; a lover,
No lie. Body composed,
Many aroused; all in the
Blink of an eye: Life.
Gone Paso way, up to
Dredge the Paso lake. Golden
At Dawn's light. Wanting
My lover to make it,
Right? Who is bled and
Who is soft? Melancholy,
Like we are travelers.
Most of all, a love of
The father he was.

Pleased To Know
Motionless tides and the
Palms I own send shards
(Of loran) out. Morning comes,
Everything will be alright.

Bio: "Benjamin Biesek is a poet with works in the small presses since 2007, recently with Peeking Cat, Red Fez, and others. Biesek resides in central California."

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